Taking the EU benefits for granted, citizens of CEE countries lack solidarity and understanding of WB EU accession process. Likewise, citizens in WB are unaware of changes that EU integration brings. There is deficiency of EU Enlargement debate based on individual experiences of citizens, in comparison to the one at policy level which does not engage wider public. This lack of citizens’ support and understanding on both sides could endanger forthcoming Enlargement process.

The project goal is to contribute to better understanding and promotion of significance of Enlargement process by connecting Past and Present EU experience and engage present and future generations of EU citizens. Project aims:

· To encourage debate on recent EU Enlargement (2004, 2007, 2013) benefits among citizens in 4 CEE (Romania, Croatia, Poland, Lithuania) and WB countries, especially Serbia and Montenegro;

· To promote EU values and history, as well as its impact on everyday life of citizens in 4 CEE and 2 WB countries;

· To increase knowledge on positive impacts of European integration process among youth in Serbia and Montenegro.

It will involve over 650 participants, mostly youth, directly through various forms of debates and 500.000 reached online. The debate topics are focused on: Enlargement in 2025–Possible future for Serbia and Montenegro, CEE Enlargement – lessons from citizens` perspective and Expending Peace in Europe: 15 Years of the Bing Bang. Participants will be informed on positive impact of past and future Enlargements in all 6 countries.


Expected outcomes:

· Engaged citizens in thinking, remembering and sharing experiences of EU Enlargement process in EU and in WB;

· Positive perception, visibility and awareness of the Enlargement in EU, Serbia and Montenegro increased;

· Knowledge and understanding of impact of Enlargement on citizens in 4 CEE EU countries EU and WB deepened and increased;

· Mutual understanding among citizens of current 4 CEE EU members, Serbia and Montenegro increased.

Duration of the project: August 2018 – January 2020

Project partners: NGO ALPHA Centre, Montenegro; GONG Croatia; Youth Entrepreneurship Promotion Association Lithuania; Romanian Academic Society, Romania; Polish Robert Schuman Foundation , Poland.

Project is co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union.


Project activities will be implemented according to partners` capacities, and project aims – approachable for citizens and economically appropriate and will include:

1) Internal partners meetings:

2) Researching, creating, and disseminating information about the Enlargement Process impacts, which includes creating info products and development of innovative online tools:

3) Public EU Enlargement Campaign  which will bring together over 650 EU and Western Balkan citizens on 22 public events and reach over 500 000 online: