For the last 26 years, the European Movement in Serbia (EMinS) in cooperation with the European Movement International (EMI) marked Europe Day (May 9th) with various activities and events.
This year, the central event of Europe Day was an open-air cinema event – the premiere screening of the movie “Last and the first man” (Iceland, 2020), directed by Golden Globe-winning composer Jóhann Jóhannsson (Arrival, The Theory of Everything, Mary Magdalene). The movie is the final work of the late director. This year, the event was held at the amphitheater of the Music Academy, in Manjež Park.
“Last and First Men” is inspired by the brutalist sculptures, the socialist-era monuments in former Yugoslavia, built to commemorate the tragedy of the World War II and the resistance to fascism. The author put these monuments again on the map of the important European cultural heritage by detaching them from their historical context. In Jóhansson’s interpretation, they became the creations from the future, not the past.
The seats were limited, due to social distancing measures caused by the pandemic. More than 60 visitors, who attended the event, received blankets with the EMinS’ logo as a memento on this day. That night, many of them used the gift to warm up during the screening.
The members of the Movement’s Youth Forum distributed information and promotional materials and introduced public with EU culture and EMinS work. The motto of this year’s online Europe Day campaign was “Together for Europe” that highlight the heroic nature of everyday peoples’ sacrifices throughout the pandemic, while at the same time highlighting that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and that we will get through this together.
#EuropeDay #TogetherForEurope #ZajednoZaEvropu