EnlargEUrope launches a new series of events across Serbia Ask me Anything about the EU. The first event titled “Ask Me Anything about Poland in the EU”, will be held on Friday, June 14, 2019 in Belgrade. Guest speaker is Piotr Kaczynski from the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation .

The format of the debate Ask me anything about … allows the direct approach to a certain person and topic, in this case the process of European integration from the perspective of Poland, a country that has been a member of the European Union since 2004.

Piotr Maciej Kaczyński is an independent expert on European affairs, specializing in European decision-making process. A trainer of EU officials with the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) in Maastricht since 2014. Member of Team Europe, a group of experts affiliated with the European Commission Permanent Representation in Warsaw. In 2019 he writes a blog about the European Elections in Poland https://2019euelectionspoland.com/.

Participants will have a unique opportunity to talk directly with our speaker, ask questions and learn more about Poland’s experience as a member of the EU, the pre-accession process through which it has passed, the pre-referendum campaign, challenges and priorities, as well as the results achieved during its 15 years membership in the E U.

The event starts at 11 am at the European Movement in Serbia (Kralja Milana 31/II). Djordjo Cvijović, the President of the European Youth Movement Forum in Serbia, will gather audience questions and moderate the conversation.

The goal of the EnlargEUrope project is to contribute to a better understanding and promotion of the importance of the enlargement of the European Union by linking different experiences and experiencing European integration of current citizens and future EU citizens. The project will last until 2020 and will cover various public events in Serbia and Europe and a promotional campaign on social networks.

Partnership from five other countries – NGO ALFA Centar from Montenegro, GONG from Croatia, Youth Association for Entrepreneurship Promotion from Lithuania, then the Romanian Academic Society and the Polish Foundation Robert Schuman – are participating in the project. The project is co-financed from the EU’s Europe for Citizens Program.