Project Description

European Movement in Serbia (EMinS) and SeCons – Development Initiative Group in consortium are developing Strategic Study on Social Economy Development in the Context of the South East Europe 2020 Strategy, focusing on assessing the state of affairs in the area of social economy in the countries of South East Europe – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, in order to introduce possible regional initiatives and mechanisms which would contribute to development of social economy in all the countries, leading to more inclusive growth of individual countries and region as whole.


In order to identify potentials of social economy, propose concrete recommendations to national governments for possible incentives for development social economy initiatives, but as well as to contribute to better understanding of the social economy region-wise, Strategic Study on Social Economy Development in the Context of the South East Europe 2020 Strategy is focused on assessing following dimensions in all seven countries in the region:
– Enabling policies, strategies and actions;
– Legal framework and regulatory environment;
– Financial incentives and support;
– Current levels of skills, expertise and capacity building needs.
Furthermore, having in mind regional framework of the SEE2020 Strategy, Strategic Study has:
– Identified possible support to already established regional initiatives and networks in the field of social economy;
– Proposed ways of strengthening dialogue among key partners in developing and implementing initiatives related to social economy development;
– Recommended measures for sharing knowledge, resources and joint action.
This study also puts forward a regional action plan for establishing a region-wide platform for social economy development that can contribute to achieving the goals of SEE 2020 Strategy.


Study development is supported by Regional Cooperation Council, placed in Sarajevo.


Project team:


Maja Bobić, Project Coordinator (EMinS)


Dina Rakin, Research Coordinator (EMinS)


Slobodan Cvejić, Quality Control Coordinator (SeConS)



Expert tim:


Davorka Vidović, Team Leader


Alma Tafarshiku, National Expert, Kosovo*


Anto Janković, National Expert, Montenegro


Dženan Šarić, National Expert, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Julijana Hoxha, National Expert, Albania


Marija Babović, National Expert, Serbia


Mileva Gjurovska, National Expert, FYR Makedonija


Teodor Petričević, National Expert, Croatia











Strategic Study on Social Economy Development in the Context of the South East Europe 2020 Strategy


Project info sheet