Project Description

Serbia and Kosovo* reaching agreements in April and May 2013 and continuing dialogue under the auspices of the European Union (EU) mark crucial milestone in both EU accession process and normalization of relations between the two. The dialogue that is supposed to lead towards “visible and sustainable normalization of relations” was profoundly motivated by the European perspective of both Kosovo and Serbia, exactly by the opening accession negotiations with Serbia and opening of negotiations on stabilization and associations (SAA) between EU and Kosovo*.
The European Movement in Serbia in cooperation with its network and the Institute for Development Policy from Pristina – INDEP proposes set of joint activities to be implemented in Serbia with the overall aim to contribute to the mutual understanding between Kosovo* and Serbia and improvement of the overall relations between the two communities. The specific goals include initiating dialogue, enabling exchange of opinions and experiences as well as identification of measures for enhanced cooperation and cross border networking of stakeholders in both communities.
Objectives and outputs of the project:

  • Initiate dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo* namely, local communities, businesses, civil society but also policy makers on issues of common concern in the field of economic cooperation and European integration;
  • Enable exchange of opinions and experiences as well as identification of measures for enhanced cooperation;
  • Cross border networking of stakeholders in Serbia and Kosovo*;
  • Anti-corruption policies and measures;
  • Regional cooperation;
  • Competitiveness, education, environment and reconciliation and women as actors of change
Towards fulfilment of these objectives two kick off, one – day discussions involving high level policy/decision makers from both communities, CSOs, business community, experts and local actors will be organised focusing on various aspects of the two important topics – economy (in terms of cooperation, trade and employment) and European integration (in terms of set of rules and reforms that are to contribute to the overall modernisation and democratic and economic development).
The first discussion related to the economic cooperation of local communities from Serbia and Kosovo will be organised in Leskovac while the second discussion related to the European integration process will be organised in Belgrade. Moreover written inputs in the form of white papers will be prepared for both discussions. White paper will present state of the art in aforementioned areas and will identify key topics for discussion at the local events. Based on the conference discussions, inputs and remarks EMinS will revise initial white/discussion papers and prepare Conclusions and recommendations.
The final conclusions based on the initial assessments, white paper plus inputs received at the kick off events will be incorporated into the final document/publication tentatively called “Serbia and Kosovo*: European Perspectives and Practicalities”.
Duration: November 2013 – September 2014.
Project is supported by the Royal Danish Embassy in Belgrade.









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