Project Description

Opening of accession negotiations between Serbian and EU, the dynamic and intense process of harmonization of Serbian legislation with the acquis communitaire begins, as well as implementation of harmonized regulations and standards. The dynamics of negotiations will depend on the progress made in the Belgrade-Pristina dialog leading towards sustainable normalization of relations, but also on the efficient implementation of reforms in political and economic system, adoption and implementation of regulations, wide consensus of all stakeholders, and finally on the support of EU member countries, which together with the European Commission sit on the other side of the negotiating table.
It is of critical importance for the process of integration to engage as many actors as possible, not only state actors, but also representatives of civil society, interest communities, economy, syndicates, academia, in order to successfully end and create preconditions for active and quality role of Serbia in the European family od states, ethnicities and societies. Active participation of Serbian civil society together with the EU member states is essential for timely and quality information of citizens and thus securing their support for these processes.
Germany is one of key actors for further European integration of the Republic of Serbia, and at the same time, an important political and economic factor in the region and beyond, being EU engine and enlargement supporter. Germany is the most important foreign trade partner of Serbia in the EU, and one of the biggest investors in Serbia and top bilateral donor.
The goal behind the establishment of Serbian-German forum of civil society is to gather representatives of civil society from both countries around structured agenda and allow for a valuable exchange of thoughts and ideas, as well as for the debate on the most important issues from specific fields key for European future of Serbia, future of the EU and integrations in general.
Starting point for the discussion make current discourse on accession negotiations of Serbia to the EU, seen both from Serbian and German perspective. Serbian-German Civil Dialog will pay special attention to the issues of Economic Growth and Prospects for the Youth, Freedom of Movement: Judiciary and Interior Affairs from the Social Perspective, Democratic Participation of Citizens and Freedom of Media. Economic cooperation, cooperation in education, liberation of visa regime, job market, as well as the issues of ownership rights and real estates, will also be covered during the Dialog. Following existing initiatives in politics, economy and civil society of the two countries, participants will advance bilateral cooperation in the field of Euro-integrations.


  • Initial meeting of the two secretary generals of the European Movement in Serbia and European Movement of Germany, on possibilities and challenges of bilateral cooperation of stakeholders in Serbia and Germany, and the organization of two-day event.
  • Two-day event gathering over a hundred representatives from Serbian and Germany, experts, MPs, and representatives OCS, media and youth.
  • Raising awareness and informing about the importance of cooperation and improving relations between Serbia and Germany.
DURATION: July 2013 – March 2014
Project is supported by Open Society Foundation









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