The next activity of the project “Regional Green Youth Charter” is a training seminar that will be held from February 25 to 28 on the Tara Mountain. Participants from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Kosovo * will have the opportunity to improve their knowledge of the economic and environmental benefits of the transition to renewable energy production, as well as to learn how to successfully advocate for change in their community.

During the training seminar, the participants will, in addition to the online platform, draft a Regional Green Youth Charter, which will present concrete measures for setting more ambitious programs to reduce greenhouse gases, as well as their implementation in practice.

The European Movement in Serbia has started a new project “Regional Green Youth Charter”, supported by the Western Balkans Fund, with partners from the Center for Ecology and Energy in Tuzla, the Democracy for Development organization from Pristina and the ALFA Center in Niksic. The aim of the project is to empower students to take a more active role in their local communities in the context of a fair transition to renewable energy production, while advocating greenhouse gas reductions and the transition to renewable energy production among decision makers in the Western Balkans. This also includes raising the awareness of young people in the Western Balkans about the importance and need to switch to renewable energy production.

* This name is without prejudice to the status and in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and the opinion of the Tribunal on the Declaration of Independence of Kosovo.